Rigvedic chants were mostly war-field chants seeking victory in tribal war.
Indra ,is just the leader of the battle., on such different occasions over centuries. 'Indra' perhaps is -vaendhan- in Tamizh.
And soma was just inebriating liquor.
..it invigourated the soldiers and it was a custom, that the cup was given in the hierarchy of valour in the battle field.
This custom has been sung in numerous short poems of
PuRa NaanooRu.
Exact equivalents can be found in Homeric passages.
Rugvedic priests believed that Agni was the agent who took the offerings in the fire of Homa kundam to the celestials and make them offer boons to the performer of such homa offering.
He was jaathavedhas.
In their naivette, they believed that even the gods relished the somarasam.
Why the crescent moon is always associated with Siva is not known,
Soma-sekaran. ..chandra sekharan.
What exatly is meant by sekharan ?
Soma ofcourse takes many meanings one of them is the liquor and the other is the moon.
The 'crescent moon', .piRai coodi' is not the monopoly of saivites alone. It is an ancient imagery from the
Mesapotamian-(iraqui-Sumerian-Chaldean-assyrian )civilizations dating back to 3000 BC.
Very likely that most of saivite lore and even of hindu religion is of the Levant origin..
The Far South of India provides the continuity of ancient tradition..of hindu religion.